CODE - Archival page
These are older code projects kept here solely for archival reasons.
This is a list of software, ranging from simple to complex, that I have put together. I place it here, in the hopes that you may find it useful. It is free for you to use, but if it helps you I would be delighted to hear about it. And if, or perhaps I should say when, you find a bug, please let me know and I will fix it up.
Draw3D and Meshinator
Draw3d is a VTK script for drawing datasets, mainly medical imaging related, in 3D. I used it during my thesis, and it turned out to be pretty useful over the years for quick inspections of data, and generating graphics for presentations. Meshinator is a simpler tool for generating isosurfaces from volumetric data. Both are now freely available on NITRC.
NextBus is a simple java applet that counts down to the next bus leaving from my work place. I also converted it to run on my Nokia phone. That process is described in more detail, with links to downloadable code, in my blog
Pointy is a simple tool for viewing and editing matched point pairs on images. Homography mappings and the epipolar mapping from a
fundamdental matrix can also be visualized. Read the manual and download an exported package from the above link, or check it out from the SVN repository on (Rather than browsing this link, put this url in your
subversion client.)
MINC tools Win32 Native Build
The MINC format and tools are provided by the Montreal Neurological Institute. At the time this was written, native Win32 binaries were somewhat difficult to build and get. However, much more up to date versions are available on the BIC website, so I have removed these from here.
Atlas of Canada Generalization Tools
The map generalisation tools that I developed are being released under an open source license. So far only in beta form, but hopefully to be completed ... well someday.
These tools are more than a decade old, so I no longer maintain the site. However, the material is still available through the good folks at Note that you may have to click on "Latest" to get the downloads, but they should be there.
A JavaScript Panorama Viewer
Download it
This tool uses the dynapi cross
browser library to build a javascript panoramic image viewer. If you take a series of photographs from a common center with some overlap, then there are
tools available to let you mosaic them into a panoramic image. This tool
allows you to view an image that represents a 360 degree strip as though
you were looking in a particular direction. You can change your view direction, by clicking and dragging on the image.
Sadly, this does not work in Opera or Mac Explorer because dynapi does not support those browsers.
A JavaScript Simple Object Rotator
Download it
This tool uses the dynapi cross
browser library to build a javascript object rotator. If you take photographs (or renderings) of an object from a variety of angles, this tool will let you appear to rotate the object by dragging it. Unfortunately, its a bit choppy in Mozilla, due to the way the browser renders the layers.
Also, this does not work in Opera or Mac Explorer because dynapi does not support those browsers.
A JavaScript Magnifying Glass Download it
This tool uses the dynapi cross
browser library to build a javascript magnifier. A little window
appears over an image, and you can drag the little window around
to magnify, or to act as an Xray, or whatever, the background image.
Unfortunately, this does not work in Opera, or Mac Explorer because dynapi does not support those browsers.
(Hosted on ArcScripts)
An AML script to easily reproject images within Arc/Info
AML-mode for Xemacs
(Hosted on ArcScripts)
AML (Arc Macro Language) is the scripting language for Arc/Info workstation.
This major mode for Xemacs will syntax highlight the language. Commenting out
lines through a context menu and proper indentation aren't working at this
point, but I have still found this fairly useful for AML work over the past couple years.
(Note - not tested on Gnu Emacs - if someone wants to help get it working
there, I will be delighted to integrate your work. I will never get
around to doing it myself, sorry.)
A very long time ago, when Java was new, i decided to learn it. So I did a
little project, a Rubiks cube. Its a horridly written bit of code, so I apologize profusely for it now...
If you want the code, download it with this link. If you want to see the Javacube click here.
Book-Like Web Page
An old web page design I had where the site took the appearance of a book, with two side by side pages, a spine, etc. Take a peek here. Download the code, if you want, from the link above.
Last modified: Fri Jul 6 2018